This is Jade Cheng’s project site for assignment 2 for Fall 2008 ICS-311.
This web site demonstrates and documents the implementation portion of the assignment. The corresponding paper can be found here, the presentation can be found here, and the handout can be found here.
All required deliverables for this assignment are available on this site. See the section below for links to HTML documentation requested by the instructor. For the impatient, click here to immediately start playing with the applet.
Readme — an overview of the product as well as step-wise instructions for the reader to reconstruct an applet from my source code; this readme also specifies the path and version of the JDK that should already be installed on uhunix2
Operation/User’s Manual — a concise, yet sufficient step-wise explanation about how to execute my applet (and applets in general) and interact with it.
Reference Manual — design specifications, organization of modules, algorithms and data structures used in my applet, functionality of each class and method, etc.
Testing Document — a description of how I debugged the applet, test data and its I/O, and other useful things to convince other people about the correctness and good features of my applet.
Tarball* — an archive in tar/gzip format of all the files in this directory and subdirectories; this includes all deliverables of the assignment.
*Alternatively, you may instead browse the project files.