/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yu Cheng ICS 321 Assignment 2 October 23, 2008 PART 2.1 Import the data from the excel Spread sheet BadgeData. Restructure the SHEET$ table to comply with Metadata Dictionary provided above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ USE DB9975 GO -- NOTE: The 'ENTITY DEFINITION HWA2F08.doc' does not indicate the -- IssuingPerson field should have a foreign key relationship with the PERSON -- table, but it seems likely this should be the case. I'll add this -- constraint in this script. -- -- Furthermore, the 'DOMAIN DEFINTION HWA2F08.doc' states the following about -- the Badge Issuer: "Must be authorized to issue a badge as noted in the -- PERSON_PROFILE table". But the PERSON_PROFILE table does not exist and is -- not created in this assignment. Therefore, this constraint is not -- enforced here. -- Create the badge table, complying with Metadata Dictionary. CREATE TABLE BADGE ( Id INT NOT NULL, IssuingPerson INT NOT NULL, IssueDate DATETIME NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_BADGE PRIMARY KEY (Id) CONSTRAINT FK_BADGE_PERSON FOREIGN KEY (IssuingPerson) REFERENCES dbo.PERSON(Id) ) GO -- Import the data from the excel Spread sheet BadgeData. Restructure the -- SHEET$ table to comply with Metadata Dictionary provided. INSERT INTO BADGE SELECT [Badge Number] AS Id, [Issued by] AS IssuingPerson, [Date of Issue] AS IssueDate FROM OPENROWSET ( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=T:\BadgeData.xls;HDR=YES', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]' ) GO