Yu Cheng (Jade) ICS 351 Prelab Report 1 September 14 [Question 1] What will happen if you type `man man` in Linux? This command displays the manual page for the "man" program. [Question 2] How can you use the command ls to find out about the size of file /etc/lilo.conf? The command `ls -l /etc/lilo.conf` will list in long format, giving mode, ACL indication, number of links, owner, group, size in bytes, and time of last modification for the file. [Question 3] What happens if you have two files with names file 1 and file 2 and you type `mv file 1 file 2`? Which option of mv issues a warning in this situation. If both files are in the current directory and I just type `mv file1 file2`, file1 will write over file2. After this operation, there will be only one file left, which contain the contents of previous file1 and is named as file2. The command `mv -i file1 file2` will prompt for confirmation whenever the move would overwrite an existing target. It looks like "mv: overwrite file2 (yes/no)?". An affirmative answer means that the move should proceed. Any other answer prevents mv from overwriting the target. [Question 4] What is the command that you issue if you are in directory / and want to copy the file /mydata to directory /labdata? The command `cp mydata labdata`. [Question 5] What is the command that you issue if you are in directory / and want to copy all files and directories under directory /mydirectory to directory /newdirecory? The command `cp -r mydirectory newdirectory` or comannd `cp -R /mydirectory newdirectory` will do the job. The option "cp -r" recursively copies the directory and all its files, including any subdirectories and their files, to the target. The option "cp -R" is the same as "cp -r", except pipes are replicated, not read from. [Question 6] what happens if you type the command `rm *` in a directory? The command `rm *` will remove all the files in the current directory and will display the subdirectories that are in the current directory. It looks like "rm: subdirectory is a directory". The subdirectories won't be removed. [Question 7] What is the command that you issue if you want to delete all files and directories under the directory /mydirectory? I will use the command `rm -Rf /mydirectory/*` or `rm -rf /mydirectory/*`. These commands recursively remove directories and subdirectories under /mydirectory. The "-r" or "-R" options recursively remove directories and subdirectories in the argument list. The option "-f" removes all files (whether write-protected or not) in a directory without prompting the user.