This is a wiki page discribing the Links text browser: This is a wiki page discribing the Lynx text browser: This is where I downloaded the Links text browser and installed on my PC. This is where I downloaded the Lynx text browser and installed on my PC. This is where I downloaded the Apache and learn about how to install on my PC. I also found this size talking about installation on Unix. I saved it on my flash drive with the .tar.gz file of appach for Unix. I'll bring them to the lab. After installing Apache web server on my PC, I went to the httpd.conf file. I changed the "DocumentRoot" to the path indicating a folder I created on my desktop. DocumentRoot is "the directory out of which you will serve your documents". I also changed the "Directory" to this same path because it says in the configuration file that "this should be changed to whatever you set DocmentRoot to." I noticed that the port number that it listens on is: 8080. I didn't change this port number, instead I specified the port number when I tried to browse the localhost. I then created a index.html file in the serving host folder on my desktop because it says in the configuration file "DirectoryIndex index.html". It looks like index.html is the default page that is going to be displayed. Then I copied all three of my pages in the folder. I was able to browse them on my web browser. I think we will need to do the same thing in the lab to have PC1 run Apache and serve the page under (I assume this is PC1's IP address). In order to server the page also under "PC1" and "", we need to put these names in the DNS name server configuration file, which is /etc/resolve.conf. Then, I think we should be able to browse the pages using URL like "<whatever port number>/page1.html" "http://PC1:<whatever port number>/page1.html" "<whatever port number>/page1.html" The shortest HTTP/1.1 request header I found is: GET / http/1.1 host: localhost