Example Report

Hi everybody,

I've copied an example of the program test report for assignment 11 below. Some of you had trouble getting your programs to work well. Please have a look at the output of this assignment. Please also let me know if you need an example implementation.

I didn't use any of your main method to test the programs. I modified them. This is to test everyone's file the same way for all cases. So your own test code will not appear in the test report. But I'll grade on it. For example, I'll have to deduct points if the implementation does not provide a main that tests the sorting method.

A brief explanation of the test cases:


Here is your score for Assignment 11.

Score: TDB%

Let me know if you have any questions regarding your score. And let me know if you want a copy of an example implementation for the assignment.


Grading Guildelines

Test Results

% java ChengJade11
A sorted, empty list: A sorted, one-item list: Lion A sorted, two-item list: Elephant Lion An unsorted list with several items: Elephant Lion Hippo Raccoon Vulture Monkey Iguana Gorilla Yak Walrus Baboon Donkey Tiger Flamingo Camel Jaguar Nightingale Kangaroo Anaconda Urchin Squirrel Quail Otter Xerus Zebra Parrot A sorted list with several items: Anaconda Baboon Camel Donkey Elephant Flamingo Gorilla Hippo Iguana Jaguar Kangaroo Lion Monkey Nightingale Otter Parrot Quail Raccoon Squirrel Tiger Urchin Vulture Walrus Xerus Yak Zebra An unsorted list with duplicated values: Lion lion elephant Elephant A sorted list with duplicated values: elephant Elephant Lion lion An unsorted list with null value: Lion null Elephant A sorted list with null value: null Elephant Lion
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