
; Jade Yu Cheng (TA)
; ICS 313
; Homework 16
; Due April 14, 2009

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 1. Write a function called add1 that adds one to the middle number in a list
;    that contains an odd number of numbers.  Try it out as follows:
;    (add1  '(2  9  8  7  3))
;    The result should be (2  9  9  7  3)
(defun add1 (X)
	(let ((c (/ (- (length X) 1) 2)))
		(setf (nth c X) (+ 1 (nth c X)))))

(let ((mylist '(2 9 8 7 3)))
	(add1  mylist)
	(format t "1.    (add1 '(2 9 8 7 3)) --> ~a ~%~%" mylist))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 2. Write a function called pick that squares a number if it is negative, and
;    adds 2 to it otherwise.  Try it on -3 and +2.  (pick -3) should evaluate
;    as 9, while (pick 2) should evaluate as 4.
(defun pick (X)
	(if (minusp X) (* X X) (+ X 2)))

(format t "2-a.  (pick -3) --> ~d ~%~%" (pick -3))

(format t "2-b.  (pick 4) --> ~d ~%~%" (pick 4))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 3. (a) Write a function call zero-it, which, with argument x, evaluates as
;        zero if x is negative, and as x otherwise.  So (zero-it -2) evaluates
;        as 0, while (zero-it 3) evaluates as 3.
;    (b) Now use mapcar together with zero-it to provide a function which
;        replaces all the negative numbers in a list by zero.  Try it on the
;        list (3  -2  4  -6  8)
(defun zero-it (X)
	(if (minusp X) 0 X))

(format t "3-a1. (zero-it -3) --> ~d ~%~%" (zero-it -3))

(format t "3-a2. (zero-it 3) --> ~d ~%~%" (zero-it 3))

(format t "3-b.  (mapcar #' zero-it '(3 -2 4 -6 8))) --> ~a ~%~%"
	(mapcar #' zero-it '(3 -2 4 -6 8)))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 4. Write a predicate call pal which takes determines whether a list is a
;    plalindrome.  A palindrome is a sequence such as (2  3  8  8  3  2) which
;    consists of a first part (2  3  8) followed by that list in reverse order
;    (8  3  2).  So (pal '(2  3  8  8  3  2)) should evaluate as t, while
;    (pal '(2  3  3  2  7)) should evaluate as nil.
(defun pal (X)
	(equal (reverse X) X))

(format t "4-a.  (pal '(2 3 8 8 3 2)) --> ~a ~%~%" (pal '(2 3 8 8 3 2)))
(format t "4-b.  (pal '(2 3 3 2 7)) --> ~a ~%~%" (pal '(2 3 3 2 7)))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; 5. Create an array A with 10 elements, and set its successive members to
;    2  4  6 . . . 20.
(defun even-array (size)
	(let ((mylist (make-array size)))
		(dotimes (v size)
			(setf (aref mylist v) (* (+ v 1) 2)))

(format t "5.    (even-array 10) --> ~a ~%~%" (even-array 10))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; The program's output is as follows:
; 1.    (add1 '(2 9 8 7 3)) --> (2 9 9 7 3)
; 2-a.  (pick -3) --> 9
; 2-b.  (pick 4) --> 6
; 3-a1. (zero-it -3) --> 0
; 3-a2. (zero-it 3) --> 3
; 3-b.  (mapcar #' zero-it '(3 -2 4 -6 8))) --> (3 0 4 0 8)
; 4-a.  (pal '(2 3 8 8 3 2)) --> T
; 4-b.  (pal '(2 3 3 2 7)) --> NIL
; 5.    (even-array 10) --> #(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
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