Programming Assignment 4

Wrapper Classes, Generating Scalable Vector Graphics

Code Skeleton

The following is the code skeleton I sent to the class. It is translated from the UML diagram given in the assignment, plus a couple of comments. As I mentioned in class, you're encouraged to write more fields and methods, such as a name field for the Shape class and constructors for every class.

public class LastFirst4 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // check command line
        // open file
        // read SVG header
        // while file has more tokens
        //     read command token
        //     read line, rect, or circle attributes
        //     do
        //         read tokenOne
        //         if tokenOne is not "end"
        //             read tokenTwo
        //             add style
        //     while tokenOne is not "end"
        // render SVG to "System.out"

class Svg {
    private ArrayList<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>();
    private double height;
    private double width;

    void addShape(Shape shape) {
        // add "shape" to the "shapes" list

    void render(PrintStream out) {
        // render this "Svg" to "out" e.g.,
        // <svg width='300.0' height='300.0'>
        // <rect x='5.0' y='5.0' width='290.0' height='290.0' style='fill:#f8f8f8;'/>
        // </svg>

abstract class Shape {
    private ArrayList<String> styles = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void addStyle(String key, String value) {
        // add to the "styles" list.

    void render(PrintStream out) {
        // render this "Shape" to "out" e.g.,
        // <rect x='5.0' y='5.0' width='290.0' height='290.0' style='fill:#f8f8f8;'/>

    abstract void renderAttributes(PrintStream out);

class Line extends Shape {
    private double x1;
    private double y1;
    private double x2;
    private double y2;

    void renderAttributes(PrintStream out) {
        // render class fields as attributes to "out" e.g., 
        // x1='5.0' y1='295.0' x2='295.0' y2='5.0'

class Rectangle extends Shape {
    private double x;
    private double y;
    private double width;
    private double height;

    void renderAttributes(PrintStream out) {
        // render class fields as attributes to "out" e.g., 
        // x='5.0' y='5.0' width='290.0' height='290.0'

class Circle extends Shape {
    private double cx;
    private double cy;
    private double r;

    void renderAttributes(PrintStream out) {
        // render class fields as attributes to "out" e.g., 
        // cx='150.0' cy='150.0' r='75.0' 

Let's use the following as an example input file.

svg 300 300 rect 5 5 290 290 stroke #c0c0c0 stroke-width 2 end

First read the SVG header,

// read SVG header,                 --> "svg 300 300"

Create a Svg object, something like:

Svg mySvg = new Svg(width, height);

Then read the shapes.

Try to read a shape command and its attributes:

// while file has more tokens       --> true
//   read command token             --> "rect"
//   read shape attributes          --> "5 5 290 290"
//   :

Create a Rectangle object, something like:

Rect myRect = new Rect(x, y, width, height);

Add myRect to mySvg, something like:


Then read the shape styles:

  1. Iteration #1:

    //   do
    //     read tokenOne              --> "stroke" 
    //     if tokenOne is not "end"   --> true
    //       read tokenTwo            --> "#c0c0c0"
    //       add style                --> "stroke:#c0c0c0"
    //   while tokenOne is not "end"  --> true

    Add a style to myRect object, something like:

    myRect.addStyle("stroke", "#c0c0c0");
  2. Iteration #2:

    //   do
    //     read tokenOne              --> "stroke-width" 
    //     if tokenOne is not "end"   --> true
    //       read tokenTwo            --> "2"
    //       add style                --> "stroke-width:2"
    //   while tokenOne is not "end"  --> true

    Add a style to myRect object, something like:

    myRect.addStyle("stroke-width", "2");
  3. Iteration #3:

    //   do
    //     read tokenOne              --> "end" 
    //     if tokenOne is not "end"   --> false
    //       read tokenTwo 
    //       add style     
    //   while tokenOne is not "end"  --> false

    Try to read shape command and shape attributes:

    // while file has more tokens     --> false

After the while loop ends.

// render SVG to "System.out"

We get:

<svg width='300.0' height='300.0'> <rect x='5.0' y='5.0' width='290.0' height='290.0' style='stroke:#c0c0c0;stroke-width:2;'/> </svg>