Programming Experience Survey
With a piece of paper, write down answers to for following questions. Please be as accurate as possible.
Note: This is an anonymous survey, so do not write your name on the paper.
How many college-level Computer Science courses have you taken that involved a substantial amount of programming?
How many non-college-level Computer Science courses have you taken that involved a substantial amount of programming?
What was the first programming language you learned?
How old were you when you wrote your first computer program?
What computer programming languages do you know? Please categorize them as below.
- Minimal experience — maybe compiled a couple of test programs.
- Some experience — wrote a handful of small programs.
- Substantial experience — wrote some small to medium-sized programs.
- Extensive experience — wrote at least several complex programs.
For example, you might write:
- C — Minimal experience
- JavaScript — Some experience
- Java — Some experience
When did you last write a computer program?
- Within the last three months.
- Four to twelve months ago.
- One to three years ago.
- More than three years ago